Daily Health and Happiness

5 Questions That Will Help You Find Happiness

There are numerous opportunities for us to be happy, but we frequently miss them because we don’t realise it’s what we’ve been looking for all along.

If you’re having trouble spotting these opportunities, here are 5 questions to help you spot them.

#1 What do I have in my life for which I am truly grateful?

We all have a lot to be grateful for. However, most of us take these things for granted.

For example, most of us will ignore the fact that we are breathing and alive right now. But it’s only when we’re sick, or worse, on our deathbeds, that we realise how important each breath was.

Try thinking of something about your day that you are grateful for before you climb into bed at night, Better still, get a gratitude journal and start writing them down.

#2 Is my time being spent with the right people?

Tell me who your friends are, and I’ll tell you who you are, according to an old adage. Examine your surroundings.

Do you have the right people around you?

Do they make you happy? Or are they continually dragging you down?

Toxic relationships are draining, so it may be time to evaluate if the people you spend your time with bring your joy.

#3 How much money do I really need?

Money is important, but not that important. Sure, having a lot of money makes it easier to buy things that will make you happy.

But did you know that having money doesn’t always equate to happiness? There are many unhappy but extremely wealthy people in the world.

#4 What actions am I taking to improve the world?

Paying it forwards is a wonderful concept that everyone on the planet should put into practise on a daily basis. Make it your life’s mission to leave the world a better place than you found it.

Do whatever it takes to make a difference in the life of someone else. Trust me when I say you’ll feel a lot better about yourself at the end of the day.

#5 Is this the life I want to live?

Ah, this million dollar question? Are you living the life you desire for yourself? Or are you doing it because it’s what everyone else expects of you?

Only you know the answer to that.

If you truly want to be happy, you must love what you do and live the life you desire.

Remember, happiness comes from within. Be happy!!

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